Army Mobile Kitchen Trailer

Army mobile kitchen trailer . Winter sail sides, mosquito net sides, two roof jacks, original manual, stainless steel refrigerator and cabinet, various hot food containers, drink dispensers, American water pitcher, large saucepan with lid, cooking pots keep food warm, front and rear metal ladders, handrails, two serving tables, swivel stand. $1700.00 + shipping + shipping + shipping.

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Army Field Kitchen Trailer Mobile Army Field Kitchen Sale from

Great catering equipment! Mobile kitchen trailers are our specialty! In addition to kitchen trailers, we offer a wide range of specialist facilities including catering, catering, accommodation/rental, administration, maintenance, storage and other base camp needs .

M416 1/4 ton trailer sold!

In addition to kitchen trailers, we offer a wide range of specialist facilities including catering, catering, accommodation/rental, administration, maintenance, storage and other base camp needs . A specially equipped Mfk (Modular Field Kitchen) can provide three meals a day to 250 troops in support. On Sunday, June 17, 2018, jepp committee members and other local volunteers attempted to pack and prepare the mobile kitchen for transport and storage.

Great catering equipment!

This unit is an abandoned military camp kitchen that has been converted into a mobile food truck/trailer. Steel edges, curves and finishes. CEO and President Glenn Therrien has proudly served our country for over 21 years and continues to serve providing temporary mobile kitchens for the US military.

It can supply up to 800 soldiers with three hot meals a day.

Two MFCs can be combined to double the service interval of these devices. It has stood the test of time, conditions on land, military conflicts, natural disasters in many countries.

They have high quality waterproof rubber edges.

Torsion axle 3.5 t. Mobile army field kitchen Sleepwa mkt. This will make it possible to prepare a complete set of food rations for the "a" "items" diet.

You can cook meals for 150 people in one hour and 250 people in two hours in a variety of settings with multiple kitchen counters.

Mobile kitchen trailers are our specialty! The MKT, or Mobile Kitchen Trailer, that Hank refers to is a 1970s version of the self-absorbed military van. This item has been used and shows signs of wear.

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